We are passionate about international business and finding the way to meet our customers’ demands with excellence. Challenges motivates us and we are driven to developing the best solutions.

We work to help the growth and increase the competitiveness of our customers. To make that happen, we are based in China, the United States, the Netherlands and Brazil. We have accumulated years of experience in different market sectors and an international network of people and companies that help us to meet any demand.

Development, search, negotiation, purchase, production monitoring, quality inspection, merchandise consolidation, logistics, export, and import are the activities that we can name in our process. Our results are a complete solution so that products purchased anywhere in the world, arrive on the shelves of our customers as expected and on time.

Search for products and suppliers
Product development and OEM
Inspection of quality control
Products consolidation
Samples shipping
Certifications for products and factories
Documentation and payments
Import and Export
Import and distribution support


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